Thomas A. Wilson - Atlanta, GA - Art Director | Graphic Designer | Food & Drink Photographer | Branding Consultant

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Photog's Info Series: Getting Your Photos Out

So you've found your subjects, you've got your images shot and edited, now what? Now comes the fun part, getting your work out to the masses! Of course you need to have them posted to your website and printed and placed in your portfolio, but what else? In order to draw traffic to your site and gain interest, it's imperative that you utilize social media. Just using Facebook isn't enough though, you've got to stay current and constant! This post is going to focus on the process of using a Google Android device to get and stay connected.  First, we've got to ensure you've got things set up properly.  The apps you're going to need are as follows, so hop on the Android Market and download these great apps:



Twidroid is the first full-featured twitter client application on the android platform with features like native photo posting, location support, auto-completion, a fully integrated notification system and the latest news from twitter buzz.

Babbler For Android

The first real native Androidâ„¢ Facebook® Platform application for your phone!

  • see your newsfeed and your friends' walls
  • comment & like wall posts
  • change your status
  • write on walls
  • view friends' profiles
  • view events
  • browse friends' photo albums and tagged photos
  • background notifications
  • background photo/video uploads
  • share link from Browser or Youtube
  • share photo/video from Gallery
  • new UI with tabs

What makes Babbler different?

  • It is a native app, not a wrapper
  • Babbler uses the official Facebook API
  • Babbler never asks you for your username and password, you input it directly on Facebook page

Dolphin Browser

So you've got them downloaded now, awesome!  Post your photos to your Facebook page as well as making a post on your blog to your website.  Once you've got the link active on your blog, visit it using Dolphin Browser and hit menu.  Make sure to share your post via Twitter, Facebook, Delicious, and Digg natively in Dolphin.  You're done!  Hit up all your friends, mentors, and followers to get feedback, then start this session over again from the top!

Looking forward to checking out your work ladies and gents..

- Thomas Out