I've been hearing a lot of people complaining that they either "hate" Twitter or think it's "stupid" to have an account. To those people, you're exactly right. The type of person that can't see the value and potential opportunity that Twitter grants shouldn't have an account.
Plenty of people have flooded Twitter with accounts that just provide more junk to clutter up the web. I do believe in many instances, these are the accounts that the Twitter observer runs across and writes the entire "twittersphere" into this box of idiocy. I for one don't follow anyone that tweets about what they're eating, when they're at the store, and what the person in front of them has on. Twitter is my personal information haven; I can always count on up to the minute news on my favorite topics. For those of you ready to carve out your place in the twittersphere and harness the power of the tweet, let's get down to business!
After you have created an account and have logged in, here's what you should be doing:
Who To Follow
Of course you'll want to add your friends and family, however think hard about what these people's accounts will make your homepage feed look like. Do they irritate you with the same nonsense that frustrates others to the point of hating Twitter? If so, i'd advise not adding them. Twitter should be a place for you to log in and be around like minded people, as well as those who you look to for advice, a pick me up, or insider information.
Organizing Your Account
Ok, you've followed all of your favorite people, and have a substantial group of folks (hundreds yet?) on your 'following' list. How do we make sense of all the clutter that is now your Twitter homepage? C heck out the video below.
Video: Creating A Twitter List
Sweet! Get to making your lists now, and while you're organizing those people you're following, i'm going to introduce you to another great function: Search.
Saving A Twitter Search
Who doesn't know how to search, you say? This isn't the typical search function, my tweople. Check this additional video which explains the search function as well as gives practical uses for it!
Hopefully you guys have a pretty good grasp on how to use Twitter more effectively now! I look forward to seeing you and your valuable info soon..
Until then...
- Thomas Out