As young professionals, we hear about how important networking is all the time and it can fall on deaf ears at times. We shrug off what older folks have to say because "they don't get it" and are from a different era. But experience has taught me that the core message is correct, despite the source. Krystle Dorsey, a career counselor with a Bachelor's in Psychology and Master's in Education from George Mason University, took some time to have a chat with me about travel, culture and networking.
Krystle and I share some views on creating paths for career success while differing on others, which in my opinion is the key to learning anything of value. By giving you guys both of our thoughts on a few practices and theories, hopefully we can form a solid foundation for you to come up with your own stance and at least begin to stretch your networking muscles.
Career Improvisation: Necessity Or Hindrance?
We all know the path carved out by years and years of drilling it into our heads: Do your homework so you can get good grades and go to college. Do good in college and get your degree so you can get a good job. What about the majority of us that followed that path and haven't found those successes and riches promised us? Do you consider altering your plans or do you stick to your guns and fight 'til the bitter end?
“I’ve really learned to improvise in my career path and its really worked to my benefit; having a set course, but being flexible with paths to take.”
“For me, having a plan and sticking to it is a rule I don’t often deviate from. I’ve really learned to improvise in my career path and it’s really worked to my benefit. By allowing myself the freedom to shift and move, I am growing in areas I wouldn’t have attempted to intentionally.”
We agree that allowing yourself to take on a bit of liquidity can not only benefit you in a business sense, but it promotes growth. Do your best river/stream/spilled bottle of water impersonation and start finding the path of least resistance to your goals! As long as you're actively working toward your final goals and picking up the tools and skills along the way, your time isn't being wasted.
When Is It Time To Look Into Relocation?
“I have been uncomfortable in this area culture wise for a long time, but since I am so close to [my MA] graduation I felt like this might be my chance. [The decision] was both personal and career. I felt like, “what is that place that could satisfy me personally and take me to that next level in my overall development?” I felt like my gifts were for something bigger that I wasn’t tapping into - I wanted to do what I do for my own community.”
“The best time for relocation is definitely after career achievements. These may be graduation, certification or mastery of a current position. My choice was directly after graduation. I felt I had learned all that Norfolk was going to teach me. I needed to get out into the world and see what a new place with new culture had to show me, find the creatives and corporations that needed my unique brain and skill sets.”
Everyone's situation is different. Don't let our experiences shape your idea of when to make your decision, just pay attention to the factors that played roles in our decisions. Can you be successful doing what you want to do where you are? What resources do you need? What are the hot spots for the industry that you want to work in? You may find that moving isn't what you need; you would be amazed at what can be accomplished with a computer, the internet and some well planned trips to places instead of living there full time.
What Does A Planned Trip Look Like?
“I was headed home to make contacts because I am still in touch with [teachers, professors and friends]. I was going to visit one of my former teachers some time closer to the school day ending, but a friend saw a Facebook status of mine. She invited me for coffee and that’s EXACTLY what needed to happen. She introduced me formally to her boss, knowing that I ha the skills they needed for this particular job they needed to fill.”
“While I have chronicled my experience with networking trips in a previous post, the nugget I want to impart is about being careful of the people you choose to connect with and the environments you meet them. It is vital to meet people on a level playing field while instilling in them your value. When announcing your newness to an area, some of the less savory characters will take that information as an opportunity to test your mettle. They can try to get free work and more from you if you don’t put your foot down from the start of the relationship. Relationships should ALWAYS be symbiotic, not parasitic! ”
Krystle is a staunch advocate of the acceptance of spontaneity in networking and relationship building. Each of her "perfect fit" jobs have come from going with the flow and finding the groove to insert herself. This is a very valuable skill to learn. Practice these skills in your daily college / early career life. Community organizations and volunteering can give you the environment to learn some of these lessons without costing you progression and reputation. Get out there and put these bits of knowledge to use!
How do you think you can utilize this information? Share your results in the comments below or take to social media!